The most important for us are the users of the yachts and boats manufactured in our shipyard – their satisfaction, loyalty and safety. For them, we care for perfect workmanship of every yacht, while we do not accept compromises in the quality or safety of products.
Retaining a high level of quality management system is, for our Customers, proof of our care for the quality of manufactured products; for our surroundings, it is confirmation of care for the natural environment and, for employees of the Company, it ensures a high level of the occupational health and safety.
“Ostróda Yacht” cares for the natural environment and safety at work, adhering to the most stringent standards in this regards and fitting manufacturing plants with cutting edge systems and installations, including fully automated ventilation and heating, fire extinguishing, alarm and monitoring systems.
Obligations under this policy, constituting the framework for quality and environmental purposes, are complied with on every level of activity by highly qualified personnel, with the cooperation with all concerned institutions, organisations and other companies of the BENETEAU Group.
In view of the above, the Company has been operating for many years, the integrated quality and environmental management system based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards in all areas of activity. The system is constantly being developed and perfected. Our plant has certificates of certification from DNV GL, confirming implementation and the functioning of the Quality Management System according to the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards.
The goal of our shipyard is building and maintaining, as part of Groupe Beneteau, our position as a world leader in the market of motor recreational boats with hull lengths up to 12 m, by satisfying customers’ needs through the production and distribution of products and services meeting their expectations of quality, aesthetics, safety and natural environment protection and costs. We strive to set new product and industrial standards and development trends for this segment of the recreational vessel market.
Our mission:
The production of modern, reliable and safe recreational boats and yachts with the highest use, aesthetic and design qualities, while maintaining the safety of our employees and reducing environmental impact.
Acting as part of the BENETEAU Group, Ostróda Yacht undertakes to: